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How Concerned Are Americans About Coronavirus?

Home COVID-19 Testing
Written by Nurx
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In late March a survey of more than 2000 American adults took their pulse on the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the infection caused by it. Are they aware of the coronavirus? How worried are they? And how do they want to be tested? Here’s a snapshot of how people are assessing this health threat: 

Most are concerned about the virus, but women and older people are more likely to be very concerned.

78% of respondents reported being concerned about themselves or a household member being infected, but only 26% are “very concerned.”

Respondents over 35 were 55% more likely to say they are very concerned about contracting COVID-19.

Women are 24% more likely than men to say they are “very concerned” about infection.

A small but significant amount have symptoms.

1 in 20 surveyed (6.4%) said that either they or somebody in their household was currently experiencing at least one of the primary symptoms of coronavirus — fever, dry cough, or shortness of breath. 

People want to be tested, but not at a doctor’s office.

Most people, 87% of respondents, think they will be tested for the virus at some point, but 24% of those said they aren’t sure how they’ll access a test.

Of respondents who had a preference, 45% said they would like to be tested at home, 38% prefer a drive-through clinic, and 17% prefer a doctor’s office.


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