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Quiz: Advanced Sex Ed for Adults

Think you know what's what about sex and sexual health? Then answer the 20 quiz questions people most often get wrong.

birth control and condom
Written by Nurx
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This back-to-school season looks a little different, but whether or not you’re a student it’s a good time to get your head out of its summer daze and boost your sex and sexual health smarts.

To help you discover what you don’t know (but should) about birth control, STIs, periods, penises, fertility and more, take our Advanced Sex Ed for Adults quiz! Of all the quizzes we’ve created in the past, these are the 20 questions people most often answered incorrectly. How will you score?

Did you find that you’re not as knowledgable as you thought you were?  Get educated by taking more Nurx quizzes, like the  Fertility Quiz or the Anal Sex Quiz.

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