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Sexual Health 101: All About Gonorrhea

sexual health, condoms, Gonorrhea
Written by Nurx
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What is it?
Gonorrhea is an infection caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The bacteria are transferred during sex. In women, gonorrhea usually affects the cervix, urethra or both. Non-treated gonorrhea may spread to ovaries, uterus or fallopian tubes. When this happens, it is called acute pelvic infection, pelvic inflammation or ovarian inflammation.
In men, gonorrhea affects the urethra, which transports the urine from the bladder and out. Untreated gonorrhea may spread to the testicles and prostate which may be painful. You can also get urinary tract scar tissue that blocks the urinary tract. This can lead to further infections and possible kidney damage.

How do you get it?
You can get gonorrhea from any kind of sexual contact, including, vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, and oral intercourse. Therefore, the disease can also affect the throat and rectum. If you touch your eyes after touching infected fluid from the genitals, eye infection may occur.
Sometimes gonorrhea may spread and cause serious complications. Pregnant women with gonorrhea can transfer the infection to the child during childbirth. If this happens, it is important that the child receives antibiotic treatment. Untreated gonorrhea in newborns can lead to blindness.

What are the symptoms?
Symptoms in women:
– Yellow or greenish discharge
– Burning pain when urinating
– Pain in the lower abdominal region
– Bleeding between menstruation cycle, but this is rare.

Symptoms in men:
– Burning pain when urinating
– Urge to urinate frequently
– Fluid or plaster that comes out of the penis, often a yellow or yellowish spot appears in the underwear
– Sore testicles
– Redness or soreness on the tip of the penis

Symptoms of gonorrhea in the throat or rectum
– You can get a sore throat
– Infection of the rectum may cause pain, itching or burning.

Gonorrhea is treated with antibiotics, which are bactericidal.

To learn more about getting tested for gonorrhea, click here.

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