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Should I Start Birth Control?

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Written by Nurx
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Many women ask themselves, “Should I get on birth control?”. You may be surprised to know the majority of reasons for starting. 

According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, 82% of teens use the pill for non-contraceptive reasons. Additionally, more than half of all users use it mainly for other reasons than preventing pregnancies. There are many different reasons why you might benefit from starting the pill and we’ve listed the most common reasons below. 


Let’s be honest, the most obvious for many, is starting birth control to prevent pregnancies. Birth control plays a huge part in family planning and to postpone getting pregnant until ready.

Period cramps

The second most common reason to start the pill is for period pains such as cramps and migraines. Almost one-third of pill users say that it is their main reason for being on birth control. The pill can also make an irregular cycle more predictable and give you a lighter period.


If you suffer from acne, you are not alone. Acne is an issue for 85% of teens and can last well into your 20s. About 14% of pill users say that they mainly use it as a treatment for acne. Common brands used to stop acne include Yaz, Yasmin, and Ortho Tri-Cyclen


Approximately 4% of the pill users use it as a treatment for endometriosis. Endometriosis is a painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus. Taking birth control pills can help ease the symptoms by thinning out the uterine lining, thus making your period less painful.

If you have any of the given reasons for wanting to start birth control, don’t be afraid to contact our doctors. We can help you find the right brand for you.

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