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Quiz: Test Your Acne IQ

Assess your knowledge of the real causes of and solutions for acne by taking our dermatologist-approved quiz.

acne quiz / prescription tretinoin
Written by Nurx
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Because breakouts usually take a day or more to form and a few days to leave, they feel mysterious. What really causes acne, and what truly gets it to go away? Although there isn’t a simple solution, there are scientific evidence-based answers to what helps and hurts your skin situation. Test your knowledge with our dermatologist-approved 8-question quiz.

Want real medical help for your mild or moderate acne? To get an online assessment from a medical provider and prescription medication delivered (if medically appropriate), request acne treatment now.

Get prescription skincare at home

Nurx offers prescription treatment for acne, anti aging, melasma, rosacea, and eyelash growth.

This blog pro­vides infor­ma­tion about telemed­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. The blog content and any linked materials herein are not intended to be, and should not be con­strued as a substitute for, med­ical or healthcare advice, diagnosis or treatment. Any reader or per­son with a med­ical con­cern should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed physi­cian or other healthcare provider. This blog is provided purely for informational purposes. The views expressed herein are not sponsored by and do not represent the opinions of Nurx™.

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At Nurx, we make it easy to get the expert healthcare you deserve. From schedules to health history, everybody is different—so we provide treatment and care that’s personalized to you. Through life’s cycles, changes, and transitions, we’re here to help you make informed choices about your health.

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