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Do You Think Birth Control Is Killing Your Sex Drive?

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Written by Nurx
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Some women feel that their sex drive has decreased after being on birth control for some time. This theory has been around for awhile and supported by the fact that hormonal birth control decreases testosterone production in the ovaries, which is instrumental in sex drive.

Although, according to a 2013 review, only about 15% of women noticed a dip in libido, while 85% noticed an increase or no change. This is still significant to conclude correlation, but there may be other factors that suggest the difference in sex drive.

In the most recent research, Dr. Kristen Mark, the lead author of a study done on this topic said: “Sometimes women are looking for something to explain changes in their sexual desire, which is not fixed throughout her life. The message that hormonal pills decrease desire is really prevalent….[But] our findings are clear: the pill doesn’t kill desire. This research helps to bust those myths and hopefully eventually get rid of this common cultural script in our society.”

A Few Things to Consider

If you are thinking about stopping birth control because its effect on your sex drive, there may be some things to troubleshoot.

  • Physical Issues. Do you have high blood pressure or diabetes? Are you taking other medications, like antidepressants or anti-seizure medications? These are known to be a contributing factor to lower sex drive.
  • Psychological Issues. Are you stressed? Are you experiencing anxiety or depression? Have you experienced sexual trauma?
  • Relationship Issues. If you are in a relationship and have unresolved conflicts, poor communication or experiencing a lack of connection, this may be a major factor on why you don’t want to have sex.

If you’ve reviewed these categories, and still think it’s the type of birth control you are using, consider switching methods. Our doctors will help connect you with a birth control that is best for you.

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