Nurx offers at home screening kits for HPV for as little as $49 with insurance or $75 per month without insurance.
You can prevent genital warts by avoiding sexual activity with someone infected with HPV that causes genital warts. If sexually active, using condoms can lower your risk of transmission. If you have not been sexually active, or do not currently have HPV, your best method of prevention would be talking to your healthcare provider about getting the HPV vaccine.
HPV Vaccine
The vaccine will protect you against many strains of HPV, including the most common one associated with genital warts and cancer. The vaccine is recommended for girls and boys as young as 11 to 12 years old but can be taken through adulthood. The vaccine is considered highly effective at preventing the targeted types of HPV as well as the common problems associated with them.
Reduce Your Risk
Genital warts can spread through vaginal, anal, and oral sex so you would have to avoid contact with anyone’s mouth or genital areas.
There are some ways to practice safe sex and lower your risk of transmission. Always use condoms and dental dams when engaging in sexual activity. You should also avoid sex with someone when there are visible warts present on the genitals and anus. Even though the virus can be spread at any time, it is more easily spread when warts are present. You should also avoid smoking, as smoking can increase your risk of developing warts.