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What are the side effects of emergency contraception?

A woman with straight dark hair and a black top smiles at the camera against a light green background.

Medically reviewed by Joni Gunzburger, MSN, FNP-C on January 10, 2020

Most women will not have any side effects with emergency contraception, often referred to as “the morning-after pill“. Sometimes, emergency contraception can cause spotting or irregular bleeding about one week before or after your regularly scheduled period. Other possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, breast soreness, or cramping for 1 to 2 days after taking emergency contraception. If you throw up within 2 hours of taking emergency contraception, then you may have lost the pill and you should consider taking another dose. Please contact us if you throw up your emergency contraception within 2 hours of taking it.

Get Emergency Contraception At Home

Emergency contraception from Nurx costs as little as $0 with insurance or $45 per pill without insurance.

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